The first digital platform for microseries. A Wasabi's product.

GOSERIES is the first OTT platform that responds to the global phenomenon of MicroSeries production.

  • Short, very short series to watch WHEREVER AND WHENEVER YOU WANT.
  • It has a current catalog of over 2500 videos through international productions and more than 100 releases in the coming months.

GOSERIES is a new channel for viewing and monetization for young people and professionals.

Plataforma 100 % diseño UX
Una plataforma OTT, responsive  a cualquier dispositivo, donde día a día trabajamos para mejorar la experiencia del usuario. Más de 300 producciones, Argentinas, Brasileras, Colombianas, Peruanas, Europeas, entre otras.
Presence in International Festivals
Telco Partners

Humboldt 1550 of. 109 C1414 CTN, Buenos Aires, Argentina

@ Copyright 2024